Spores Galore

Warhammer 40000

After a few days off work, some steady progress has been made on the Tyranids. Specifically, some heavy support to start things off is now complete.

Due to the colours I’m using this project has been a production line effort. A line of bone. Then a line of green. So there are several things in various stages. Gargoyles are half glued together. Hormagaunts sit undercoated. A Hive Tyrant has the bone colours done. Termagants are waiting to have eyes and teeth picked out. So it just turned out the production line saw the spore mines finished before everything else. Mainly due to the minimal detail on them.

As I realised the Spore Mines would be the first complete I thought I better power through the Biovore to make sure he was done at the same time. Now here we are.

Paint Explosion

This guy did need some strong motivation from Fury and Fairy. After the green and bone were complete the purple was about to go on. The next colour up was purple. During the shaking process, there was an explosion of purple paint. An explosion so big the Biovore would have been proud. An explosion so forceful that paint covered the models, table, carpet, and walls!

So after a huge cleanup, I was over this model and not looking forward to scraping and repainting large parts of it. This is where having a group to hobby with has come in handy. Normally after something like that the model would have ended up in the bottom of the container for years. Not this though. This time Fairy and Fury started to lay the smack talk on thick and fast. After my chat was flooded with you can do it memes and comments like

“Do you have a brush in your hand now?”

– Fairy

“Get at your desk and paint!”

– Fury

I got off my arse, scrapped away the dried stuff, and repainted the Biovore and Spore Mines that had taken the hit of purple paint. Not wanting to let the team down. Or more to the point, not wanting to give the other guys any more ammunition, I have been hard at it this week.

In addition to completing the Biovore and Spore Mines I’ve just about finished the first batch of 16 Termagants as well. With only a few small details to go on this unit, they should be finished tomorrow.

While I was able to make it through the paint explosion distraction I haven’t been as disciplined on the shopping distraction front. More models are incoming and I’m already looking for what I might do next month. I can already hear the other two in my head. Stay focused you’re not even bloody done with these Tyranids yet!

It’s not my fault when there are so many great models out there. What are you planning to paint next?

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