More Custodes

Warhammer 40000
Two burning of Prospero boxes with more Custodes inside

After all the hype of the new 40k over the weekend, I was excited. When people get excited about the hobby they do different things. Some like to play more games, some like to paint, some like to read. Personally, I like to build more models. So I went searching for more Custodes.

I have been waiting all month for an order to arrive from Games Workshop. As soon as the online store opened back up, in the first week of May, I jumped on to buy some more Custodes and fill out my choices a little. In the order are some Dawneagle Jetbikes, Allarus Terminators and Valerian. This was going to round out the force for this month. Unfortunately, the order hasn’t arrived yet. It actually hasn’t even shipped yet. So with it looking unlikely that any more troops were going to turn up this month for the golden legion I have been a little disheartened. The painting has slowed and I have become more and more distracted with other projects over the month.

Side Project

One of those projects that kept getting my attention was my Heresy era Space Marines. I have two possible chapters in mind so as a side project this month I have been gluing a few test models together to try out schemes. A little over a week ago I went looking for some more Horus Heresy era marines. As I searched through the pile of plastic, knowing I had a few boxes in there somewhere, I found the Burning of Prospero boxes. I was greeted with a little surprise though. I’d totally forgotten that the Burning of Prospero box actually contains a squad of Adeptus Custodes. There were two Burning of Prospero boxes sitting on the shelf. One still in the shrinkwrap! More Custodes that I didn’t even remember having. If you follow along on Instagram you might have seen my surprise posting about this very find.

More Custodes find on Instagram

So over the last week and a bit, I have still been distracted with the 30k armoured marines, which hasn’t helped the challenge for this month. But now that we are reaching crunch time. With no chance at my order arriving. And inspired by the new 40k news to build something. Two more Adeptus Custodes guardian squads have been pulled out and are being built.

Adeptus Custodes Guardian Squad sprues

I just wonder if I will have time to get these built now. Between snipping and gluing there has been some progress on the painting. Just not enough to bother with photos yet. I’m determined not to be the first one to finish a month without even getting a squad painted. I’ll leave that honour for Fury.

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