Guardians Of The Emperor

Warhammer 40000

There were two major decisions I needed to make to begin this month. The first question, would I continue on with the Tyranids? The second, what other choices did I have? Well as you can see from the cover image. The decision has been made.

Why not more Tyranids? Well, even though the entire collection did not get completed last month I was never in this challenge to complete every entire army in one go. I enjoy the Tyranids as an alien race of baddies but they are not necessarily something that is calling out to me to play them at the moment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they’re great to play with. I will undoubtedly have some small games with them at home. But they were never a force I saw myself taking to play in a tournament. They were more a force I wanted to paint to go against one of my other armies. That force I could loan to someone to play against. So for this month, I investigated other options with a wander through the piles of plastic.

There were several stashes of miniatures that leapt out at me. The main contenders for this month were, Orks, Demons, Deathwatch, Tau Salamanders, Imperial Fists, or a new Primaris Marine chapter. Then I came across this box of Talons of the Emperor. Which is actually filled with two boxes worth of miniatures.

Restore Honour With Adeptus Custodes

Knowing the trash talk I copped last month from the other guys for not painting a large enough force I thought it was time to stick it to them. Especially as they were primarily painting terrain this month. So what better way to paint a larger force than by making sure each model in the force costs a fortune. On top of that, the entire army is gold! The decision was made. Grab those Custodes and paint up 1000 points worth, or more.

There were lessons learned last month. To start this off I cracked open the box and pulled out just enough sprue to build five Custodes. Making sure I stick to smaller more manageable size squads, such as three to five at a time, should keep me more motivated. Hopefully, as I see them finished I’ll be inspired to keep ploughing through.

I actually purchased these boxes years ago mainly for the Land Raiders and Dreadnoughts. The intention was to use them with one of my other Marine armies and not actually these Custodes. So no decision has been made yet around which vehicles I will paint. I’ve also been admiring those nice bikes on the GW website. So it’s possible this army may actually expand throughout the month. Watch this space!

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