
Fury Profile Pic
Fury The Guys

Fury is the one that came into this swinging. We are only a week in and he has already made some bold claims about his speed and hobby greatness. But before we get to the mighty claims, a little background on the great man.

The year was 1993. Fury busted his knee riding skateboards (way less cooler than it sounds) and the original Rogue Trader Marine box was out. This became his journey into the hobby and his summer holiday salvation as he was stuck inside. Much like these days being stuck inside seems to motivate him to paint. He has actually still got those original Space Marines. Unfortunately, he painted them as Space Wolves. Fury kept them in a box deep within his hoard for many years. Then a couple of years ago he decided to give them some love and a touch up like they deserved. Unfortunately still Space Wolves though. They were the cover photo for yesterday but check them out below if you missed them.

What’s the oldest miniature you still have painted?
Let us know in the comments or on our social channels.

Staff discount makes the armies grow

Just two years later and the young Fury was working for Games Workshop as a shop assistant. Making a huge $250 a week cash to spend on miniatures with a 50% staff discount meant that his armies grew quickly. So quickly that he is still trying to find time to put paint on some of those old 40k miniatures.

Currently, his hoard of models sits in his dark man cave waiting for him to find time to paint them all. Photos don’t do Fury’s pile of plastic justice though so here’s a quick video just to show you how much painting Fury has ahead of him.

Big claims

Fury has made some big claims to start the trash-talking among the guys. He claims to have won an Australian Golden Demon! Apparently back in the ’90s when Australia only had about three Games Workshop stores. When we asked to see the evidence, he informed us it was before Australia got trophies. Conveniently and all he got was a certificate. Naturally, we asked for a picture of the certificate to share with you all but it has conveniently gone missing at the moment. I’ll let you be the judge of this claim. If anyone reading this can back him up with some evidence he would love to hear from you in the comments though.

“My average is most people’s awesome.”

– Kent

Despite a couple of rather large unsubstantiated claims about his painting skills, Fury has achieved a lot in the hobby that we do actually have evidence of.

He created a local wargaming club called Newcastle Legions. Fury was also involved in the Podhammer podcast. So you may have met him at Adepticon with that. But Fury is probably most well known for the massive tournaments and events he runs that usually revolve around drinking and having fun alongside the games themselves.

I’m sure there will be more big claims to come from Fury but out of the three of us, he will probably be the one to struggle most with the family, work, hobby balance throughout this whole thing.

The smack talk Fury brings will definitely be an inspiration to get models painted before him. Hopefully, his claims can inspire you to show him your skills and put him in his place. Throw up some comments below if you think you can do better than Fury or follow us on Instagram and tag us in some posts of your work.

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