Slow Progress

Warhammer 40000
Some slow progress on the Contemptor Dreadnought

Do you ever have one of those weeks where your best-laid plans just don’t eventuate? Over the last few days, it has definitely been slow progress on these Adeptus Custodes. The plan was to have a dreadnought finished by the end of the weekend but that is not likely to happen now.

The plan was to have all the base colours blocked out by the end of today (Saturday) so that on Sunday this mighty machine could have all the highlighting done. However, a few life and work things have taken up more time than expected these last few days so it has been slow progress on everything hobby-wise. That is just one excuse though.

One of the reasons for starting this blog was to keep the motivation going to paint. In a way, it has worked a little too well. The initial plan of a force completed a month was always going to be tough but making that commitment is definitely motivation to keep going. The fact I have to regularly put something up on this site has made painting a routine now. So each night I make sure I do a little bit of hobby to keep progressing. The problem is there is so much good hobby out there.

Good Distractions

So two things have been a distraction that has contributed to the slow progress this week. First is work and life. Not much you can do about that. Everyone has to pay the bills. The second though is my own doing. Starting the conversation about classic models has turned into a painting competition that is now taking time away from the Custodes. But it is worse than that.

This painting competition has drawn me into all my other Space Marines armies that are sitting and waiting to be completed. There are just so many great models that I want to paint. Most of them sitting right there in the pile of shame, waiting, staring back at me. So in addition to work, this week, distractions have taken me down a rabbit hole of planning out the rest of the year. At this rate I will be lucky to even finish the base coats on this dreadnought by the end of the weekend.

It's slow progress but this Custode is highlighted

I did get some washes across all of the gold on the 10 Custodian Guardians. Plus, this guys has had the first layer of highlights finished. So although it’s a long road ahead still, I think I can get through them. It’s what is waiting for me next though that has my attention at the moment.

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