Throwback Thursday – Best 3

Right Side View 2 Imperial Fist Dreadnought - Throwback Thursday Best 3
Sparky The Guys Warhammer 40000
Throwback Thursday Best 3 - Sparky's Imperial Fists Dreadnought

For the last few weeks, we’ve asked the question “What is your best-painted classic model that is still in your collection?” Well, that turned into some tough reflection for everyone. It turns out it is harder to pick your single best model than we thought. This week for our final Throwback Thursday Best 3 for May it’s Sparky’s turn to share.

We’ve already Fairy’s #best3minis and Fury fired off his #best3minis in previous Throwback Thursday posts. Much like the other guys, it seems that the models that have left an impact on Sparky have more than just solid painting to them.

Sparky’s Best 3

For me choosing my best 3 was a really difficult task. When I started this conversation with the guys I actually asked what single model is you best. As in if you were entering Golden Demon and had to just grab a model which one would it be. That question was too hard for everyone to answer so we started picking more our favourite 3 classic models. We will have to come back to that best painted miniature question in the future though. The reason it became hard for me was much like the others. It’s all about the memories.

I went back and forth on a lot of models. There’s a very cool old Mordheim knight on foot that I think is a great paint job and a has some good memories from many a Mordheim campaign. There are also some really old Catachan’s and that assassin I’ve mentioned before. They have great memories but admittedly are not the best paint jobs. Regardless of who I considered though my thoughts always drifted back to 3 particular models from 40k. Which all happen to be part of my Imperial Fists army.

Top 3 have to be Imperial Fists

The reason is like the other guys. The memories attached to these are just too good. My Imperial Fists army started as a series of articles for Australian White Dwarf, ‘The Tale Of Four Gamers’ in WD232. As this army expanded over the months in White Dwarf I also added in extras to it that I couldn’t show in the White Dwarf article because they were outside the monthly budget. These guys took part in many battles earning victories for themselves on the battlefield and awards for me.

I Want You

My first choice is a lowly sergeant. This guy is one of my best for two reasons. Mainly because I just love the conversion I did. This was a little involved and a little crazy in game terms. I mean back in the day there was absolutely no point in having two power fist and even these days if you could actually take two it’s a waste of points. But he really looks cool. I wanted to get a marine replication of the famous American war poster and I think it worked. He is the sergeant of an assault squad that is made up entirely of marines in mkVI armour that I affectionately call the ‘Beaky Boys’. They are a required pick in just about all my Imperial Fists armies and have been in all the ones that have won awards for me.

The second choice is my Imperial Fists captain from this army. Just about every army I create I build a model that replicates me on the battlefield and this him. I also dis some conversion work on this guys as I wanted him to run alongside the assault squad. As they all have mkVI armour and this model doesn’t have a helmet I had to chop off a metal mkVI marine head to give him his helmet hanging on the back. Captain Marcazius of the Imperial Fists has seen many a battle with the beaky boys and also been there for all the accolades.

Dreadnoughts Are Tops

Obviously my top pick of all my models has to be a dreadnought. This particular dreadnought also has the memories but it is also a favourite just because it is such an iconic model. That old school dreadnought just had a look and a feel to it. Plus it had a weight to it being made entirely of lead! This guy has seen both heroic moments in battle, where he has fought of waves of assaults and he’s seen flaming defeats usually at the hands of melta weapons. Through it all, he was a centrepiece for the army. Always attracting attention and fire from enemies across the table.

So that brings us to the end of May’s Throwback Thursday conversations. Next month we will start a new theme. There is still a few days left for the guys to finish of their forces but it looks like forces may have taken a back set to all the painting of a classic terminator captain.

Check back on Sunday to see the finished minis in this months paint off and be sure to follow on Instagram and join the conversation with #best3minis if you want to show us your best 3 classic models.

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