Portal or Cave


Today’s update is a quick one to give some progress shots on Fury’s Display Board to go with his freshly painted hoard. So, the question of the day is, a cave or a portal?

Fury started with his foam pieces and has smoothed and carved the texture into the wall. He’s also added the texture to the base. The next step was to carve the hole into the wall. In the photo below you can see the process Fury has used to map out his position for the hole. He used the plastic lid of a Pringles container, which is the perfect size for this job, to trace the shape he wanted. He then carved out a foam section using his template. It’s at this time that the question formed. Cave or portal?

“It’s making me think of the wall in Game of Thrones. So I was thinking cave but portal is more in line with AoS.”

– Fury

After agreement form the rest of us that a portal would probably fit the Age of Sigmar theme better the decision was made.

With his plaster and base done some work has begun on the portal shape this week as well. Fury tells us he is using a trick he has used before but hasn’t given any more details. Everyone is keen to see how it turns out though.

What do you create for armies when they are finished? Do you create a display board, themed objective markers or themed terrain to go with them? Or do they just go into the figure case and storage container?
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