Board Progress


With 4 days left in this month’s challenge, it looks unlikely that Fury will finish the display board. We can’t be too hard on him though as this was an add on after he already finished his army.

The chance of Fury finishing became a lot slimmer when he discovered that his board didn’t actually fit all his models on to it. A handy hint when creating a display board is to always space out your models at the start. This ensures things are going to fit where you want them too. So everyone chimed in with ideas on how to fix it. Fairy’s thoughts were to reshape some depth under the steps. Sparky’s thoughts were to cut out the steps and create extra layers.

After some back and forth chat, as we tried to give Fury opinions on how best to tackle the problem, he got creative. He worked out the easiest option was to just position his Herd Stone in front of the portal. That makes sense too from summoning the hoard point of view. It also meant no modification was necessary.

So this is where it’s at. We will have to wait until the end of the month to see if any more work gets done on it.

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