Weekly Update

The Guys
Time for an update

What a week it has been. Time for another weekly update. The big news of a new 40k has obviously filled the tweets and Instagram posts this weekend. Anything else that has happened has faded away under all the announcements. But the guys did get some things done this week. Well, Fairy did at least.


Sparky claims the excitement of the big reveals coming on Saturday night distracted him all week. We know it is more likely work and life starting to get in the way again but it doesn’t take much to distract Sparky. He did tell us all about his wet palette and how it has been helping his painting. We just haven’t seen any painting out of him to back that up. With only a week to go, we could be in for our first month of someone not even painting a squad.

“If I don’t get even a squad painted this month I’ll be on par with Fury. Terrain is not a force Fury!”


Speaking of Fury.


Fury has also had a slow week. At least he hasn’t thrown about weak excuses like Sparky. Undoubtedly Fury’s work/life balance has begun to impact hobby time as well because we haven’t seen any progress on the terrain this week. Fury did share his #best3minis though along with his reasons for choosing them in Throwback Thursday. He is also claiming that all his time is being spent on his classic terminator captain for the paint off. We get to see the results of that next Sunday. So maybe everyone will be able to pick Fury’s purely from the amount of time he has spent on it. The only one who actually did get something finished this week was Fairy.


Fairy actually got some models painted this week. He finished his Reaver Titan. Which means he has actually finished all the minis he set out to paint this month and only has his Adeptus Titanicus terrain to go. Finishing the Reaver Titan had some extra meaning though as it also meant that Fairy has completed his entire Legio Gryphonicus. A very decent effort. Anytime an entire army is finished it’s always worth a celebration. Fairy is celebrating by having a break from Adeptus Titanicus and moving on to his terminator captain. It will be interesting to see if the captain gets done with enough time left for the terrain. We’ll find out in the next weekly update I guess as it falls at the end of this month’s challenge.

Check back next Sunday to see the results of the classic mini paint off and find out where everyone’s force finished for the month.

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