Fairy’s Legio Gryphonicus

Fairy's Legio Gryphonicus complete
Adeptus Titanicus
Fairy's Legio Gryphonicus

The entire titan legion has assembled for war. Fairy’s Legio Gryphonicus is complete. At least for now anyway. We showed the last Reaver shots yesterday but thought the entire legion deserved a quick post all to itself.

Any fully painted army is a sight to behold. But a fully painted titan legion is on another level. As a titan legion marches to war the ground shakes beneath the might of these gigantic war machines. Fairy’s Legio Gryphonicus is complete. Fully painted, based, varnished and magnetised this titan legion is finally ready to march to war.

While we are bound to see them at a few events once the world is back to normal. For now, they are taking up pride of place in one of his model cabinets. Extra weapons sit at the side ready for when the time comes. With everything magnetised, this is not only a complete titan legion but a very flexible one.

Fairy's Legio Gryphonicus in cabinet

All Titans Need A Battlefield

While Fairy was putting the final touches on this titan legion his little 3D printer was also hard at work. All titans need a world to battle over, right. So for the world that Legio Gryphonicus will battle over Fairy has been creating an Imperial city.

Fairy's city for Adeptus Titanicus

Unbelievably the table is not finished yet. Fairy still has terrain coming off the 3D printer that is destined for this battlefield. Then he has to paint it all! Plans for that though have pretty much been abandoned for this month so he can begin work on the classic Space Marine terminator captain. Having not started his mini yet, Fairy has to dedicate some time to the classic mini paint off for the rest of the month. At least the delay might give everyone else time to get some Adeptus Titanicus painted ready to christen the battlefield with him.

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