Magnetising Titans

Warhound close up
Adeptus Titanicus
Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 1

It seems magnets are all the rage amongst the guys at the moment. Sparky has been magnetising weapons for his Tyranids and his Adeptus Custodes. While Fairy has been magnetising all his Adeptus Titanicus weapons. Magnetising titans, or any other models with a lot of weapon choices, is a great way to make your army flexible from game to game. Although it does require some extra painting and a bit of work.

Fairy was kind enough to grab some shots of the whole process while he was magnetising his latest Reaver titan. Check it out below and keep an eye on the Inquisitor’s Instagram for the quick guide poster image coming soon.

Mounting The Weapon Arms

Step 1

For the upper arm joint on the carapace, the shoulder joint is already empty on the model. It’s like they were made for magnetising titans. Depending on your magnet size you may need to drill out the weapon mount point slightly. Ensure that the area you drill matches the size of your magnet. The key is not to make the area any larger than the magnet. You want the magnet to fit in tight.

Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 5

Step 2

Before inserting the magnet ensure the magnet is around the correct way. Make sure your magnetic poles are aligned to attract the correct way to your weapons. A handy tip here is to slightly scratch, or place a touch of paint, on the side of the magnet you intend to glue. Place superglue into the hole making sure to get the glue around the edges. Insert the magnet the correct way up. If you already have weapons that are magnetised make sure the polarity of this joint matches those weapons like Fairy has done in the image below.

Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 6

After the polarity is checked and double-checked to ensure it is the correct way around, it is time to glue the magnet in.

Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 7

Step 3

When attaching magnets to the weapon arms it will depend on the size of your magnets how you approach it. If using smaller magnets you may be able to drill out the hole. The easiest approach though is to cut away part of the ball joint that would normally go into the upper arm socket.

Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 8

Cut slowly, taking small pieces at a time, and test your fit as you go. You can always cut more off but it’s a lot harder to put it back on. Once you have removed enough of the ball joint on the weapon to fit the magnet and have it fit into the body mount, it’s time to glue.

Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 9

At this point, it is important to check the polarity of your weapons against the carapace mounting point and magnet. All the magnets on the weapons need to have the same polarity facing so they can be switched between titans. Just like Fairy did when gluing the mounting magnet in, always double-check your polarity.

Your weapons should now all be interchangeable and mount to any titan.

Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 10

Mounting The Carapace Weapon

The process is very similar for the carapace mounted weapons. You simply need to drill out the mounting points. The points are already recessed slightly so this helps get the magnets flush.

Just remember, before gluing, to ensure you have the polarity of the magnets around the correct way. Making sure that it matches any other carapace weapons you have.

Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnet guide 1
Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 2
Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 3
Fairy's Reaver titan - Magnetising titans guide 4

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