Small Progress

Age of Sigmar

True to his word Fury has powered through some painting. Laying down a basecoat on the skin and body of his Dragon Ogors. He is taking an early lead in this but there is a long way to go.

Nine more of these suckers to go in fact.

“F*#% they are big minis!”

– Fury

In Age of Sigmar the Dragon Ogors are a warscroll for Beastmen. Fury has a decent AOS Beastmen army already so this month’s project will make a nice little addition to a bigger force or a stand-alone force all by themselves.

With the warscroll he is taking 12 Dragon Ogors and 2 Shaggoths which is about 1000 points. Fury only has one shaggy at the moment is spending his spare time scouring the net for the rare old special character model for his second Shaggoth.

Well it’s only 3 models for Fury and they’re not finished yet, but that’s a quarter of his force for the month, so he is tracking pretty well. Fairy has been quiet on the comms for the last few days. We suspect he is slaving away ready to just drop a completed model on us. As for me, I’ve cleaned some mould lines on Genestealers. Does that count for anything?

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