Beasts Of Chaos Complete

Age of Sigmar

Today the reigns on the post have been handed over to Fury. Take it away, Fury.
So Sparky hit me up to be in this challenge.
“Paint something for the month and post it up,” he said.
My reply was “Meh!”
Then he adds Fairy was doing it and I could put shit on him! Well, that was enough for me.

As with any gamer of my vintage, my riches are great and vast like that of a dwarven hoard. Sparky once said,

“The man who dies with the most toys wins”

– Sparky

Well, I gave it a nudge. Check out the video of my dungeon to see what I mean.

I am a great one for getting into a project to 92% then losing interest. This is for a number of reasons. Unless I have an event to play in or there is a drive that will push me to finish it, well near enough is good enough.

Why did I say yes?

So for this challenge, apart from the joy of giving shit to Fairy, I will be confronting my inner demons and completing projects. First off the list is my Dragon Ogor army for Age of Sigmar. Using the Warscroll Thunderscorn, I decided to paint a total of 12 Dragon Ogors and 1 Shaggoth this month!

Now as you will see I’m not a new toy kind of guy. I like my minis old school, from decades past. Most of what I have collected has been done like that of a wine collector. Only choosing the finest of minis for the
collection to be aged in plastic tubs and boxes of shame till some urge overcomes me to get them painted.

These Dragon Ogors have been collected well over the course of 20 years. One purchase here, a little trade there, you know the drill. These Dragon Ogors are so old most of them started life as Dragon Ogres! Back in the day, these bad boys were $50 each, so to see a large unit of them was
like OMG. Nothing in today’s meta but in the ’90s that was rice and vodka for a week! So here they are in all their glory.

Fury Style

A note on my painting style. I have been painting for a long time. To the point, I know how long it takes me to paint a mini to my highest standard. I simply don’t have the patience for that kind of dedication anymore. I paint to get them done, just a bit above table standard. No regrets, just get it done! I hate playing with unpainted stuff. To pump this lot out I used the Fury Dipping Method.

Start with the base colours. Give it a good strong two-step highlight. Dry brush then paint the mini in Army Painter Dip. Here is the catch. Army Painter dip is like $40 a can. You can skip that by heading down to Bunnings and picking up a sample pot of one of these beauties.

These bad boys cost $10 a pot and will do at least 300 figures. Once the varnish is dry, hit it with Testors matt varnish. If you want a different effect you can use a low sheen matt varnish.

The next step is to go over the mini to make things pop, basing and BAM! Hit it once more with some varnish and you sir, are done! Now I get hate from some of the more skillful painters out there and I get it. My thing is they are done. They are better than most tabletop standard and it took me half the time. The added benefits are that these bad boys are hard as a rock and don’t break. If you don’t like them, drop some acetone on the suckers and you are back to square one. 

Warscroll Complete

So there you have it, the completed Warscroll, done before the end of the month. I love the feel of them, and they work awesome with the rest of my army.

Coming to an AoS event near you (Probably not, as I never leave the house).

Thanks Fury. I have to congratulate him, he was actually the first one finished like he said he would be. Plus, he could have bragged about that fact a lot more and he didn’t. Not that I noticed after I edited anyway. Well, halfway through the month and Fury thinks he’s done. We are not going to let him have the rest of the month off. He has far too many models still to paint in that dungeon of his.

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