Warhounds Charge

Adeptus Titanicus

The mighty Warhounds charge forth. The titans are complete! Fairy has managed to finish off the Warhounds he started last month. Bringing the total number of Warhounds in his Legio to four.

At the end of last month, these two Warhounds were actually pretty close to complete. For a while we thought Fairy would get it done right at the wire. He had completed most of the base colours and had begun highlights on various panels. He just ran out of time down the stretch to complete a few areas and highlights. There was also still all of the basing work to do.

It’s no surprise then that only six days into the new month Fairy has finished both Warhound titans. For the bodywork, the use of grey and white stripe keeps a nice pattern that is consistent across Fairy’s entire army. At the same time, it enables the ability to vary the look just by changing the stripe pattern.

Fairy kept with his bright yellow theme on the heads and weapon casings. This ties these titans in very nicely with the larger Warlords and Nemesis. While also not distracting from the grey.

When arrayed together with the rest of the Legio these Warhounds sit perfectly next to the other two yet all four are distinctly different due to the stripe pattern used. Now Fairy is moving on to his Reaver to complete this entire force.

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