Weekly Update

The Guys
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This past week has seen a lot of distraction to the monthly projects. Was this a ploy by Fury because all he is painting is the terrain? Was it a ploy by Sparky to get Fury painting a model and working on his Space Wolf force? Who knows but the distraction is real. Get up to speed with the weekly update.

A big distraction came about because of a new regular feature that has started. Throwback Thursday is a new weekly post all about some classic, old school miniature chat. This week the chat revolved around what everyone’s favourite classic 40k miniature was. This made everyone realise that they actually all owned the same model, a Space Marine Captain in terminator armour.

Knowing that, the idea was then raised for an old fashioned paint off. Everyone then jumped at the opportunity to paint a classic miniature. A whole day was dedicated to stripping the metal mini. We even made our first quick guide. This is already a distraction and is bound to take time away from other forces this month. Apart from Fury as he was just painting terrain. #ItsNotaForceFury

What Actually Got Done

Distractions aside, last week Fury got some work done on his portal. Fairy managed to finish his Warhound Titans. So this week he is moving on to his final Reaver. Sparky meanwhile got a dreadnought built and added another squad of Custodes and some HQ to the force.

With still a long way to go this month, there is lots of hobby to come! Doubt is already arising around whether Sparky will finish. Fury is intent on making his terminator captain a Golden Demon worthy piece of work. Fairy is desperately trying to complete his Legio so he can move on to the terrain.
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