Throwback Thursday – Classic Miniatures

The Guys
Classic Miniature Terminator Captain artwork from White Dwarf. Copyright Games Workshop

A decision was made to make every Thursday’s post a bit of a ‘Throwback Thursday’ affair. So today for Throwback Thursday a chat began around classic miniatures and the following question.

“What is your most memorable model from when you started gaming?”

For Sparky, it was the old Rogue Trader Imperial Assassin model. If you are too young to remember that, check out the photo in the gallery below.


This model was the most sort after thing on the table for our gaming group when one of the guys got him from the UK. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the model as it was well outside my teenager budget to have a model shipped from England back then. But, I made sure I picked that model up when GW re-released it. He is still waiting to be painted. So, when I was a kid, I made an assassin from a Warhammer Nippon Ninja Assassin model. Thinking about it now, the ninja model is probably even rarer than the assassin these days. I should try and find it.

For me, the Imperial Assasin is memorable because he was hard to get. Plus, in the second edition 40k, running an assassin with polymorphine, combat drugs, displacer field & vortex grenade wargear were some of my go-to combinations back in the day.

Fury had a unicorn model too. That elusive model that he could never get as a young lad was different though.


For me it was the old Rogue Trader Terminator Captain. He was just such a badass! I never actually owned it until recently. I was going to paint it up as per the WD when he appeared as a space wolf. Check out the image in the gallery.

I just always wanted him, every time I went to the store, but he was like a $20 blister back in the day. I could never justify buying him though I always wanted him. When I finally had the cash they stopped making him. Then there were other shiny things. That Terminator Captain though was always a must-have. So, when I was older and saw one going second hand, I made sure I picked it up.

Fairy’s favourite from his younger years is different as well. He actually found it hard to narrow down to a single model.


That’s funny! I only mentioned the Imperial Assassin the other day on a Face Book page about the best ever mini. He is rad! I have such great memories of crushing a mate’s childhood dreams with him. The Terminator Captain is a great model as well. I still have one somewhere. My Dad bought me rouge trader when I was 12, so it’s pretty special for me.

One mini I always really liked was the original Dire Avenger Exarch. But my holy grail, top of the bucket list, is a Chaos Dwarf army. I just love those models!

“Man they were PUSS! Dumb, dumb hats!”


“I’m with Fury on this one!”


Meh! Each to their own I guess. To me, they are retro-cool. So not only are they the most memorable model for me, they are still something I’m hoping to track down an army of one day.

Terminator Captain For All

After a lot of trash talk about Fairy’s choice of Chaos Dwarf, we all came to a sudden realisation though. First, that classic terminator model was pretty cool. But then we also realised that each of us actually owned one. Sitting somewhere in our piles of plastic!

Fury was pretty confident that he could find his miniature easily. While Fairy and Sparky realised they would need shovels to dig him out. Excitement was definitely in the air at the thought of us all finding the same classic model. Then more brilliant ideas struck.

Time For A Paint Off

The idea of everyone digging these old models out wasn’t enough. It was time for a good old fashioned paint off. Everyone set of to find their Terminator Captains with mixed results.

Fury found his easily sitting on a shelf just waiting for him.

Classic miniature terminator captain

Fairy had a little digging to do. He knew he was close when he came across a pile of classic miniatures in his bitz box. A bit further down he reached his goal. Turns out his captain was hanging out in the bitz box with some fellow termies.

For Sparky, searching through the bitz box was a couple of hours work.

“Trying to find something in here is like searching for the ring ion Smaug’s pile of treasure. As soon as you think you see what you want everything else moves and falls to cover it.”


During the search, he also managed to track down a lot of old, buried miniatures. Eventually though he found the Terminator Captain too. Sparky’s was originally converted as a Deathwing with thunder hammer though so he then had to search a little more to find both the arms. Although that was the most time-consuming part of the whole process finding them in mint condition made it worthwhile.

So with everyone now in possession of an old Rogue Trader era Terminator Captain, it was time to strip the model and lay out some rules for the paint off.

Have a look at our Instagram for some update photos. Check back next Thursday for an update on how everyone’s model came up after stripping and what is planned for the paint off.

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5 thoughts on “Throwback Thursday – Classic Miniatures

  1. Thanks! I love those old beakie marines. I have a full unit of them converted to a veteran squad in my Imperial Fists army. Would love to see your beakie librarian. Throw it up on Instagram and tag us.

  2. Great idea for the paint off. Can’t wait to see the results.

    I managed to track down my classic mini a few years back which was the Beakie RT Libraian

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