Weekly Update

The Guys
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This weekly update sees the end of the April challenge and the Start of May’s new challenge. With the guys finishing old projects and starting new ones check out the highlights below to catch up on anything you missed during the past week.


The finish to April’s challenge saw Fury with a completed Beasts of Chaos army with not a single model left to paint. He was so proud of his efforts at completing every single model that he started work on a mighty display board for the Chaos Beasts. Last week saw the board basically built. So for the challenge of May, Fury has decided all his focus will be on terrain and painting this mighty display board.


For Fairy the last week saw him working hard to try and complete his Warhound Titans to finish off the month’s challenge but unfortunately he fell ever so short. So for the May monthly challenge, he is planning to complete his Legio of Titans with the Warhounds and a couple of Reavers still to go. He has also jumped on the terrain bandwagon and decided to complete his Adeptus Titanicus gaming table this month as well.


Sparky meanwhile spent the last week furiously trying to complete as many Tyranids as he could. That included adding a couple of screamer killer Carnifex to his Hive Fleet at the last minute. Sparky controversially called the end of April’s challenge a success. He then decided that for May’s challenge he would attempt to show the other guys up by painting over 1000 points for the month. The army he chose suited his grand plans as he began an Adeptus Custodes force.

A particularly busy week as one challenge ended and another one begins. Check out some bonus photos of the guys projects on our Instagram and Twitter. Check back tomorrow when we will be looking at how far along Fury is with painting his display.

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